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Questions? Call us! 802-865-2872

Lauren Mumley

Lauren Mumley

Project Manager

Lauren is our Project Manager. Her primary responsibilities are to assist customers with their printing needs - estimating, order entry, and handling the many details of your project. She possesses a bubbly and friendly competence that sure helps given the many details of this very important position.

Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite movie: My Best Friend's Wedding
Favorite TV show growing up: Sesame Street
Your hero: My grandparents
Favorite musical performer: Sugarland
Who makes you laugh most: My daughter
Best subject in high school: English
Favorite animal: Dogs
Thing that weird you out most: Spiders
Favorite cartoon character: Elmo
Do you play a musical instrument? I played the piano as a child.
Favorite thing to do on a day off: Spending time with my husband and our daughter.

  • Our Strategic Partners:
    Our Strategic Partners:

    Our Strategic Partners:

  • Sarah at desk
  • Scott at Cutter 2024
  • Francine on the phone
  • Heather at Calvin
  • Liam at desk