Questions? Call us! 802-865-2872

Questions? Call us! 802-865-2872

Nonprofit Printing & Mailing

Fundraising is the life-blood of most any nonprofit organization. Conducting a fundraising campaign in a strategic and orchestrated manner can make the difference between mediocre versus exceptional results.  Working with a production company that understands, can advise, and will apply the best practices of effective campaign execution will not only improve your ROI, but make the endeavor easier and painless in the process.

Paw Print & Mail is a proud and reliable production company for many Vermont nonprofit organizations. We specialize in direct mail fundraising appeal campaign production services that include:

  • Mail List Procurement
  • Variable Data Printing (personalization)
  • Graphic Design
  • Content Writing
  • Campaign Planning
  • Donor Appreciation Gifts
  • Printing
  • Bulk Mail Services
  • Post Office Delivery

The Paw Print team attends to all the details to add more accuracy, efficiency, and timeliness to your direct mail campaigns. We do so first and foremost with responsive communication from estimating through to mail drop date confirmation. This can add up to lower costs, better response rates, and a more stress-free experience. You won't find a better experience anywhere; and we welcome you to read our reviews.

The next time you’re planning a fundraising campaign, contact us for an estimate or to schedule a free consultation with our team to talk through your objectives and seek new ideas. 

The following are just some of our nonprofit clients:

  • Our Strategic Partners:
    Our Strategic Partners:

    Our Strategic Partners:

  • Sarah at desk
  • Scott at Cutter 2024
  • Francine on the phone
  • Heather at Calvin
  • Liam at desk