Questions? Call us! 802-865-2872

Questions? Call us! 802-865-2872

Scorpion Marketing Program

Lead Generation Strategy That Works

Do you want more leads for your business, but hate cold calling?

Do you struggle getting prospects to return your calls?

Do you wish sales were easier?

If you’re looking for a better ROI on your lead-gen efforts, our Scorpion Marketing Program is worth a look.

If a scorpion crossed your path, you’d take notice, right? You might gasp, scream, or even jump! But in any event, that scorpion would have your full attention.

This is the premise of Scorpion Marketing – a strategy that makes you, your brand, and your sales approach memorable and remarkable in a favorable way to begin establishing the relationships that are the foundation of growing your business or organization.

We know firsthand how difficult prospecting can be, and that the FIRST significant hurdle any sales professional faces is getting a prospect to notice you, especially in a way that’s different than your competitors.

We also know that breaking the ice is the crucial first step toward creating the opportunity to meet a potential client to learn more about their needs and goals and interact in a way that begins to build your credibility and likability.

Sales is about relationships, and our Scorpion Marketing is a process we’ve developed to help you begin the sales dating process.

Utilizing a combination of personalized direct mail and branding to your target prospects, our proven Scorpion Marketing program will open doors for you to start building relationships and generating solid qualified leads.

Scorpion Marketing is prospecting on a higher level, and is more fun and rewarding than the typical prospecting you’ve done (and dreaded doing) in the past.

To learn more about our Scorpion Marketing program, call us at 802-865-2872.

  • Our Strategic Partners:
    Our Strategic Partners:

    Our Strategic Partners:

  • Sarah at desk
  • Scott at Cutter 2024
  • Francine on the phone
  • Heather at Calvin
  • Liam at desk