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Tim Fortune

Tim Fortune

Owner & Sales

Favorite food: Thai Food - Kob Khun Krup

Favorite movie: Field of Dreams

Favorite TV show growing up: Gilligan's Island

Your Hero: My good friend, Anita Rocheleau

Favorite musical performer: John Haitt, I love the stories behind the songs

Who makes you laugh most: My son, Charlie

Best subject in high school: History, thanks to my teacher Mr. Fitzgerald

Favorite animal: All of my dogs, past and present

Things that weird you out the most: Heights- you will never see me very high on a ladder!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be: It really doesn't matter, as long as I'm with my best friend & wife, Vanessa

Favorite sports hero: Phil Mickelson

Favorite cartoon character: Scrat from Iceage

Do you play a musical instrument? Wish I had those talents!

Favorite thing to do on a day off: Spending time with my wife and 4 boys on the lake and golfing (even though I'm not really good at it)

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