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Questions? Call us! 802-865-2872

Vanessa Fortune

Vanessa Fortune

Owner & Finance

Vanessa's professional experience includes 10 years in banking, 5 years in public accounting, 3 years at a nonprofit handling financials and fundraising, and 3 years working in the private sector.

Favorite food: Anything potatoes
Favorite movie: Reality Bites
Favorite TV show growing up: The Muppets
Favorite musical performer: Justin Timberlake
Who makes you laugh most: My husband
Best subject in high school: Math
Favorite animal: Penguins
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be: Sanibel Island, FL
Favorite cartoon character: Minions
Favorite sports hero: My boys
Favorite thing to do on a day off: Run

  • Our Strategic Partners:
    Our Strategic Partners:

    Our Strategic Partners:

  • Sarah at desk
  • Scott at Cutter 2024
  • Francine on the phone
  • Heather at Calvin
  • Liam at desk